Hazy Skies

Not having enjoyed rushing after the others yesterday, I decided hike out early. Peach-man had told me that the water-source near our campsite was a pain to get to (steep trail) and so I left camp with only a couple sips of water left to the water-cache 6 miles downhill. Usually in the early mornings I don’t drink that much, so it should be fine. I was the first one out of camp and was surprised at how well my legs felt after yesterdays struggle.
It was a cool but lovely morning. The first 6 miles were over in the blink of an eye and I took my time to fill up my water bottles at the water-cache as the others all arrived a little after me.
The past couple of days there’s been a group of 3 guys, Chrome, Bard & Red, hiking at similar pace as us, so we run in to them often during the day. Chrome mentioned that there was an alternative trail which would shave off 7 miles off, compared to the PCT. He said that he was considering taking the alternate. After me being the first one to hike out again from the cache, I expected the others to catch up with me at some point during the day. Especially Free-wheel and Peach-man, since they are fast hikers. I didn’t see anybody however for the remainder of the day, which makes me wonder if they all opted to take the shortcut and thus ended up in front of me. I was a bit bummed out since I had been relieved earlier to not hike alone anymore. It just goes to show that you never have any control on what happens on the trail…
There is of course the possibility that they just didn’t catch up with me, but I doubt it. Maybe I’ll find them tomorrow at the Shelter Cove Resort, where I plan to have breakfast.I had a solitary late lunch around 1400, at a lovely small peninsula in the lake. The views were pretty awesome. The winds picked up today, and with a fairly clouded sky, occasionally it got chilly. Wearing my wind-breaker made it okay though. I stayed for almost an hour at the cool lunch-spot before I decided to hike out again.
The latter part of the day was characterized by increasingly beautiful terrain. There was a big climb followed by a couple of miles along the ridge. A great variety of colors, and the distant mountains in the white hazy clouds made for very picturesque vistas. Even though I was getting more tired now, I was trying to enjoy the scenery. Especially since the dreadful longer stretches of Nor-Cal with seemingly endless days of similar terrain I wanted to reward myself.
I’ll admit I lost myself every once in a while in my music and the rhythm of my steps; I was still pushing hard, because I wanted to get to the campsite before dark for a change.
The last hour was a drag, and I was ready to get into my tent. The winds had picked up again, and I was getting cold. Just before arriving at the campsite (I’d hiked a little over 28 miles today) I passed the 1900 mile-marker. At a nice campsite I quickly pitched my tent and got toasty in my sleeping bag. After a dinner of refried-beans and couscous it is now time to relax and go to bed somewhat early for a change. Tomorrow there’s a 6 and somewhat miles left to the resort. Get up early, hike for 2 hours and then coffee!

Watch the stars turn you to nothing
No blush and smile, as they whisk you away…
Part your lips a bit more, I’ll swallow your fear
I will show you how
All the bite-marks impressed
A need to be here
A need to see

City lights like rain
Dance and explode
Fall upon debutantes

Reeling from nights that
Kiss and Control,
All of our, broken hearts

Kiss and Control – AFI